Monday, January 23, 2006

Blinkers, turn signals, whatever you want to call them, why is it so hard for people to use them?

I've noticed an alarming trend over the past few years, people simply do NOT use their turn signals anymore! Why is this? Is it so hard to reach over with your left hand fingertips and hit that little stalk up or down? Or is it because people are too busy talking on the cel phone or flipping through their iPod? Whatever it is, it's no excuse! Use your blinkers, even if no one is around, even if you're in a turn only lane, for the love of God, PLEASE use them! It's the only way for people to know what you are doing. And when you do use it, turn it off when you are done. And if the bulb burns out, replace it. No more excuses people, use those blinkers, they're not just for Christmas anymore!


Blogger Krit said...

I'm pretty sure I over-use them because I'm so afraid to get out of the habit. Like I'll catch myself putting it on to make a turn when turning is the only option and there's only one way to turn. Hee hee.

On the turning them off- man when the music is up and your in your own world (I know you shouldn't be but...) and you did turn but not enough for it to turn itself off, you just sometimes don't notice. We're trying, we are. Well some of us anyway.

I'm with you- people, blinkers are your friend.

12:12 PM  
Blogger Pixie said...

I'm with you Krit, I definitely overuse them. I turn on my blinker to pull in my driveway, it's just habit. I also have the annoying habit of turning on my blinker WAYYY to early, so the people behind me are thinking, "DAAAAAM, go ahead and TURN ALREADY." LOL

1:26 PM  
Blogger Marie said...

In Atlanta people seem to not know that blinkers are even apart of the car. If you do use a blinker it seems to just confuse people or they think it is some kind of challange, and they will speed up or slow down just so you can not get over on the highway. Well, they do use some of times, like in the Walmart parking lot so they can justify staying in one spot for 20 minutes to get a closer parking spot. It's weird! However, I still use my blinker to take just about any turn. I think that it is very important, and I think that if more people used them there might be less accidents.

7:56 PM  
Blogger SunnyMcBunny said...

I admit that each day I slack more and more on my blinker usage. I don't know why, maybe just laziness. I do use them when they are ultra important, like changing lanes on the freeway. Wait a minute... nope don't do it there either. Well I do sometimes. Nevermind..I'm rambling again.

1:35 PM  
Blogger Beans said...

I use my blinker all the time, however I've noticed that I would probably have a better chance getting over if I didn't use it. It's the freaky control freaks that think they can control you by either speeding up or slowing down when they see a blinker.If people are not Courteous to my blinker and let me in I will force myself in. Of course, this usually pisses people off and I do see the bird quite often along with getting honked and yelled out.
They started it.

Oh and I always slow down for a blinker!!

1:09 PM  

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